AKA long random post with lots of pics! bare with me…
I had such a great weekend I think I was still recuperating yesterday! Thursday as you know, was Cinco de Mayo so naturally my friends I spent the night eating Mexican food and drinking ritas!!

Saturday I laid out in the sun – one of my favorite things to do! Then went to Painting with a Twist for the first time! If you have never been, you should definitely go sometime – you paint while enjoying food, wine & music. There is an instructor to help and guide you along… it was SO much more fun and enjoyable than I thought it would be. It is a great concept and a new and fun idea for any date, birthday or girls night out! My picture actually turned out so great that I gave it to my mom as one of her mother’s day gifts. she loved it!!

my painting!

the whole group
While I am sharing pictures I thought I’d share a few from my bestie and I’s birthday week – yes WE have a birthday week (our birthdays are 2 days apart so we celebrate both all week long!

The birthday girls!

Lychee Martini – YUM!

trying the lychee

Love this girl!! She is like another sister to me and we have so, so much fun together so there is nothing better than sharing my birthday with my best friend!!
In other random thoughts- I was watching E News last night and they featured Calypso for Target that I talked about HERE
Nina Garcia had her picks for the brand and chose not only the dress I featured but the shoes AND the tote as well! Pretty cool!
Another pretty cool thing that I stumbled upon was Shelli’s blog her home is AMAZING, I feel like it is exactly my style and she captured my heart when I noticed what a budget savvy woman she is! I have always believed not only great style but a great home can always be achieved on a budget and Shelli proves that so well!!
So you can imagine my excitement when I was looking drooling over her home tour and noticed this

it just so happens that the Urn lamps in her bedroom….

I own almost the exact same ones!
I have really developed a love and passion for decorating and home décor so it was really exciting when I discovered that I picked out something that someone whose decorating skills I admire so much, did as well! Makes me feel like maybe I do have a good eye for decor… :)
Any exciting things happen to you this week!?