Thank you again for ALL the sweet comments and kind words!! It was quite the road getting to where we are now but we could not be happier!! I will go back in time again soon and do wedding posts, house renovations, baby shower and show you the nursery! but I want to continue on with current updates as well. Hope this isn’t too confusing or annoying to anyone!
Here are some pics throughout my pregnancy!

(12 weeks)

(22 weeks)

Me in the black and white (26 weeks)

(32 weeks)

(34 weeks)
And here I am this week!

(36 weeks)
I apologize for poor quality and lack of photos I was really bad about taking them!
Total weight gain/loss: I’m at 23 lbs. She has been measuring big pretty much the entire time! My due date is April 30th but at my last appt. my Dr. could already feel her head and scheduled to induce me April 23rd (If I make it ‘til then)!!
Maternity clothes? I got away with wearing my clothes for quite some time! I had to switch over to only wearing jeggings, leggings and dresses around 6 months but could still wear my tops. When I popped, I bought some tops from Motherhood and maternity jeans from Target (which are SO comfortable!) But I am still wearing my maxi dresses and flowy tops!
Stretch marks? I have been trying to apply lotion and cocoa butter religiously but I have spotted a few…..
Sleep: I’ve had a great pregnancy, slept great the entire time until about two weeks ago. Its been a little tough between being uncomfortable, having to pee and having heartburn I HATED sleeping and was exhausted! My doctor suggested Prevacid which is heaven sent and I feel like I have been sleeping better but every couple of nights seems to be rough!
Best moment this week: My favorite moments have been of course, hearing the heartbeat for the first time, seeing my babe for the first time, finding out she was a SHE, feeling her kick, getting the nursery ready, my baby shower and many more!
Miss Anything? being completely honest, margaritas. margaritas and margaritas. they are my favorite drink and I miss them. Also starting to miss my energy and as its getting warmer, I’m missing getting to wear my spring clothes and high heels
Movement: She moves all the time! She loves music (I went to a musical this weekend and the Rockets game last night and she was dancing and cheering along almost the whole time!) My favorite moments are times when I haven’t seen the hubs all day long and as soon as I see him and he starts talking, she starts to kick *she loves her daddy! melts my heart!
Food cravings: In the beginning it was dairy! I drank a gallon a milk every other day and ate Mac & Cheese like it was going out of style, it was crazy. Lately it has been sweets. Cereal, powdered donuts, ice cream! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: I am so blessed to say I NEVER got sick! The only thing that I used to love but don’t really sound appetizing anymore is mushrooms!
Gender: Pink, pink, pink!
Labor Signs: I think I’ve had a few minor braxton hicks
Symptoms: my back hurt a lot in the beginning but now really just a draining energy level, heartburn and leg cramps
Belly Button in or out? neither haha, just sort of flat so I’m thinking it’ll turn out any day now…
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: HAPPY! with occasional frustrated moments when I start to feel really exhausted but want to keep pushing forward!
Looking forward to: finishing up last touches in the nursery, and meeting our girl! I talk to her all the time, almost everywhere I go I am introducing her to where we are, can’t wait to actually have her in tow with me!